Spark green header

Can you believe more than half of 2023 is gone?! At Spark, we’ve been busy processing donations of used durable medical equipment, computers and assistive devices for those with mobility, vision and hearing loss. Then we redistribute them to persons with disabilities who can’t afford to purchase new devices. Fernando is the DME King, and his reputation as a resourceful, caring helper is growing across the area. Our IT guru Brian spearheads our community computer program, and our vision specialist Nancy assesses needs and guides our clients toward the most beneficial technology.

Our fearless leaders, Mary Thom and Stanley, have been digging deep into development and searching and applying for grants to help fund the important work we do. While corporations and foundations are a vital source of funding, we honestly couldn’t function without our individual supporters as well. Thank you for continuing to give!

3rd Annual Fun Run and Roll

3rd Annual Fun Run and Roll

Spark – working year-round and loving it!

The rest of the year looks like it will keep our noses to the grindstone as well. We are already prepping for our third Fun Run & Roll, which will take place Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023, at The Cove at Concord Park. Visit our website,, to sign up to take part in the race or fun run – all abilities are welcome! You can also sign up on our site to become a sponsor, which brings with it a number of perks. Don’t miss this opportunity.

And one of our most popular activities – Toy Tech – is returning in December. We have a team of experts – moms who are raising children who need special toys to be able to play to their full ability – scoping out fun and popular battery-operated toys for which switches can be adapted. Once we select and purchase the toys, volunteers will adapt switches to make them accessible for children with disabilities. It’s a massive endeavor, but it’s worth every minute of planning and preparation and sore fingers and tired backs (some of us are old, folks!). And then there’s the party to organize!

It seems odd to us, but people come in our doors every day looking for help and tell us they’d never heard of Spark until their nurse or therapist or a neighbor recommended us. We don’t want to be East Tennessee’s best-kept secret. We want to be our area’s first thought when they need equipment to improve their mobility, independence and even their ability to handle simple tasks of daily life.
Please help spread the word to friends, neighbors, and community and faith groups. Like us on Facebook and encourage everyone you know to do the same. We love and appreciate you!

Ladies and gentlemen, Start your engines!

Spark Ignition is a program that will provide adapted electric ride-in cars for little children. We have one car in process and two more requests waiting for the green light.

This program was first developed by a professor at the University of Delaware. The modified cars allow children to play with others, move independently and explore their surroundings. The professor intended for the concept to be free to organizations around the world. At one point Spark had this program, and we now plan to relaunch it and make a minimum of 12 cars in the first year.

The cost of an adapted car is anywhere from $600 to $1,200 depending on the level of adaptation needed for the child, the availability of the proper cars to adapt and other factors.

Creating each car is time-intensive for staff. Coordination with the family and therapists who may be involved and often creating a new piece of equipment to make the conversion of the device possible all require significant time, but we are incredibly excited to get this baby on the road!

For further information, contact Mary Thom Adams at 865-219-0130 or

Melanie O’Dowd of Sunshine Ambassadors and artist Bobbye Edwards conducting an art class at SparkArt Class at Spark

On July 17, 2023, Melanie O’Dowd of Sunshine Ambassadors and artist Bobbye Edwards conducted an art class at Spark.








Spark is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization, and all or some portion of your donation may be tax deductible.